Wednesday, June 24, 2009

After work

Went to a creek last night after work around 7. Had two hours until dark.

I decided to wade the creek with my fly rod. I could see bass cruising and bluegill were slamming surface bugs.

I started out with a small bass bug. And immediately started catching the bluegill. But the bass weren't having any of it. I then changed to a nymph pattern that I had concocted (similar to a zebra nymph but red). On the 3rd cast it was sucked up by a nice 1 1/2 pound bass.

From then on it was steady fishing. That is until my one and only nymph decided to check out a tree. I tried other flies (sculpin, hopper, woolly bugger, copper john) but nothing seemed to attract their attention.

Note to self....check fly box before racing off to the creek.

All in all, it was a good night. Cooled off to the mid 90's by 8:30 or so and the mosquitoes were on strike....or at least not working.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just rambling


My name is Ben, I live in Oklahoma and I love fishing. I didn't say I was good at it. But I do love it.

I have spent many days without a bite. And several with the fish jumping on the fly/lure. I have been fishing for 4 + years now and still consider myself a novice. So some of the posts you see here will be really basic stuff, but if it is interesting or new to me, it will probably end up here.

I don't limit myself to one type of fishing (although maybe I should.) I enjoy fly fishing, bass fishing and even cat fishing. It depends on the body of water that I am near. I live within 10 minutes of a lake, 3 rivers, and many ponds and creeks. For the smaller water, I usually take my fly rod. For the lake and rivers I use the bass rods.

But if I had to state a preference, it would be for the fly rod. It doesn't look 'pretty' when I cast it, but I am fairly acurate and it catches everything that swims. I have caught pan fish, bass, carp, trout, and cat fish on it. And the fight factor from the limber rod is great.

A two pound bass on my bass rod (mh 6 1/2' falcon rod/shamano curado reel) doesn't put up much fight. It is pretty much a short reel to the boat. But that same fish on my 6 wt fly rod is a huge fight. Even large pan fish and crappie are great fights. So maybe I'm not a fisherman, but a fish fighter...

Anyway. That is the first post....just me rambling. Maybe the next ones will make more sense.